ISAS v1 (Systems)


ISAS has been developed as a system which gathers tools to be used in both clinic and research semen analyses. Its application fields are for clinical human and veterinarian settings, scientific research, livestock production and reproductive toxicology.

It is the best solution for those who want to obtain the most complete results for both clinic and research. It is designed to work in different conditions and with a wide range of species.

It can be considered as the most complete and easiest-to-use system in market which, furthermore it works in different hardware and operating-system conditions in order to adapt as much as possible to the end-user needs.

ISAS is especially designed for quality control programs, allowing the use of images, videos or collections of photographs for both motility and morphology.


Product ISAS v1 (Systems)
Product code ISAS-MC
Manufacturer Proiser (Spain)
Technique CASA system
Quantity 1 complete system
Sample semen


ISAS-MC reports the following parameters:

  • Progressive motile, non-progressive motile and static sperm cells
  • Progressive rapid motile and progressive rapid + medium motile sperm cells (WHO)
  • Rapid, medium, slow and static sperm cells
  • Averages of VCL (curvilinear speed), VSL (rectilinear speed) and VAP (average curve speed)
  • Averages of LIN (linearity index), STR (straightness index) and WOB (oscillation index)
  • Averages of ALH (amplitude of lateral head displacement) and BCF (beat-cross frequency)

ISAS-Mf reports the following parameters:

  • Size of sperm heads (normal, macro, micro, pin and phantom)
  • Shape of sperm heads (normal, round, thin, paintbrush, narrow base and amorphous)
  • Acrosome of sperm heads (normal and abnormal)
  • Average morphometric values of sperm heads, including standard deviations (length, with, area, perimeter, acrosome, elipticity, elongation, rugosity and regularity)
  • Width of sperm mid-pieces (normal and abnormal)
  • Insertion of sperm mid-pieces (normal and abnormal)
  • Average morphometric values of sperm mid-pieces, including standard deviations (width, area and angle)

ISAS-Fd reports the following parameters:

  • Halo of sperm cells (number of cells without, small, medium, big and degraded halo)

 ISAS-Vt reports the following parameters:

  • Vitality of sperm cells (number and precentage of live and dead cells) 

ISAS is composed of the following hardware:

  • UOP UB203i Phase Contrast Microscope with heated stage
  • PROISER 780M CCD Camera (782x582 pixel resolution, 120 fps)
  • PROISER Frame Grabber
  • DELL Computer
  • DELL 20 inch widescreen flat panel
  • DELL USB keyboard and optical mouse

ISAS offers the flexibility of six unique software combinations:

  • ISAS-MC: ISAS software that analyses motility and concentration.
  • ISAS-Mf: ISAS software that analyses morphology.
  • ISAS-Fd: ISAS software that analyses DNA fragmentation.
  • ISAS-MCMf: ISAS software that analyses motility, concentration and morphology.
  • ISAS-MCFd: ISAS software that analyses motility, concentration and DNA fragmentation
  • ISAS-MCMfFd: ISAS software that analyses motility, concentration, morphology and DNA fragmentation.